A difficult history
Religious believers have at various times treated skeptics with hostility and contempt. This is wrong. Secularists have also occasionally mocked and dismissed faith as a harmful “delusion.”
A clear benefit
A notable amount of academic research has found a link between participation in a faith community and the well-being of an individual and of society as a whole.
Regular church attendance benefits mental health, significantly reduces overdose and suicide, decreases divorce, and increases charitable giving to humanitarian organizations. Church is the most likely place for the rich and the poor to become friends which is a major factor in upward mobility.
A low risk invitation
Consider this your invitation to explore belief without blindly accepting anything. Churches sometimes stifle questions and doubts. This alienates and isolates creating suspicion. We want to be a place where skeptics are expected, respected, and challenged.
Our aim is to receive objections graciously and respond thoughtfully, explaining why we believe in Jesus and why he is captivatingly beautiful.
If your mind remains unchanged you will still be welcome and wanted in our community.