The Power of We | Josh Bowers | July 28, 2024
This week we have special guest Josh Bowers bringing a timely message from Acts 2:1-13 about the Holy Spirit and its special power to unite and bring restoration to individuals and communities.
Blackberries at Sunset | Jesse Lusko | July 21, 2024
Our God is the God who chose to enter time and to be with us, who fights for us & advocates for us, and who works through us. Join us as our friend Josh Butler takes us into the story of Jesus from John chapter 1.
Are Christians Different? | Nijay Gupta | June 23, 2024
Our God is the God who chose to enter time and to be with us, who fights for us & advocates for us, and who works through us. Join us as our friend Josh Butler takes us into the story of Jesus from John chapter 1.
God on Our Side | Joshua Butler | April 28, 2024
Our God is the God who chose to enter time and to be with us, who fights for us & advocates for us, and who works through us. Join us as our friend Josh Butler takes us into the story of Jesus from John chapter 1.
From Poison to Potion| Jesse Lusko | April 21, 2024
When it comes to suffering & hardship, the question isn't if, but when. From the heartbreaking & horrific things that take place throughout the world, all the way down to losing loved ones, no one is exempt. This is one of the greatest reasons cited by those who simply cannot believe in God. How can we navigate the hard things of life not just for ourselves, but for others, too? Join us for this week's standalone message where we'll gain practical framework for the hard things of life.
Once Upon A Time| Michelle Jones | April 14, 2024
When it comes to suffering & hardship, the question isn't if, but when. From the heartbreaking & horrific things that take place throughout the world, all the way down to losing loved ones, no one is exempt. This is one of the greatest reasons cited by those who simply cannot believe in God. How can we navigate the hard things of life not just for ourselves, but for others, too? Join us for this week's standalone message where we'll gain practical framework for the hard things of life.
Scalpel Or Chainsaw| Jesse Lusko | March 17, 2024
These days we're more outraged than ever. We're provoked. Over politics & affiliations, global events, or even just different opinions. The way we handle conflict & disagreement contribute not only to our own well-being, but to that of those around us, too. Join us as we explore politics, disagreement, and how to navigate & resolve conflict.
Why a Church in Portland? | Jesse Lusko
January 14, 2024
Why does Counterculture exist? Why start a church in Portland? The answer is tied to the purpose of life itself. This was a special snow day online service, from our homes to yours.
For Love or From Love | Erik Morales
January 7, 2024
We want to follow Jesus not because we want to be loved, but because we already are. This simple shift in our thinking has the potential to change not only our lives, but our whole world. Join us as our friend and guest Erik Morales shares from Colossians 3.
Under The Tree | New Year’s Eve
December 31, 2023
For many of us, the idea of following Jesus and becoming like Jesus can seem unrealistic and daunting. How does it happen? What if I try and fail? How can this happen in a healthy way? Join us for the final message of 2023 as we look at what the Bible says about the spiritual life and how we can have a sustainable vision and approach to our life and walk with God.
Light In The Dark | Christmas Eve
December 25, 2023
When God became human, everything changed. Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, what it means, and how we’re invited to respond.
Launch Sunday |
September 10, 2023
In the founding message at Counterculture Jesse Lusko looks at the story of "the Pharisee and the Tax Collector" and explains that we may be surprised by who Jesus most often criticized. It is possible to have all the right beliefs and the right behavior but be doing it for all the wrong reasons. We will become a counterculture when we admit our own bad motives, come to Jesus for mercy, and then extend that mercy to the city around us.